Sensei Bill’s Books
It might interest you to know that Sensei Bill is a published Author. He has so far written two books. The first to be published is called VENGEANCE, and the second is called NO CONTRACT. They are published under the name of William R Hooper. The Books are published as both a paperback and an eBook on Amazon. VENGEANCE is an all action book in 2 parts. It has Government Assassins, Terrorists, Romance, Exotic Locations and plenty of Martial Arts. It has been well received by those who have so far bought it and NO CONTRACT is a sequel to the first. This second book is also full of Action and Martial Arts. A third book is to follow in the series. To get a copy simply click on the SPOTLIGHT image on the right.
Here’s just a few lines taken from VENGEANCE: “…There was another deafening explosion. More of the roof fell in. More plaster fell off the wall. More lights began to come on in nearby houses. People started calling out. Frank got swiftly to his feet and went in through the window hole with the Heckler and Koch tactical semi-automatic held out in front. Although there was smoke and dust in the dark interior there was some light from a number of small fires that had started as a result of the explosions. Frank was in a small room that had a number of filthy mattresses on the floor and a pot-bellied wood burner in the corner……..”
You’ll have to buy the book to find out who Frank is, why he was there and what happens next!!

Why don’t you buy a copy…Go on, you know you want to!!