Martha gets her 2nd Kyu

Hi Folks. Martha joined the Buntingford Karate Club with her two brothers (one older (Brogan) and one younger (Charlie)) a few months ago when their karate club closed down. She had obtained Brown belt 3rd Kyu under her old instructor but I wanted to improve her standard before she took a grading with us. Martha and her brothers have been […]

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Hi All. Last night (Thursday 18th Jan) Libby went for her Green Belt (6th Kyu) and Finn went for his Purple Belt (5th Kyu) at the Buntingford Karate Club. These two are probably the most laid-back members of our club. In a way this slightly held them back when they graded, because even though their demonstration of techniques were of […]

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A Merry Christmas to you all. So, the last training dates this year at the Buntingford Karate Club were Tuesday 19th and Thursday 21st and, as you can see from the photos below of both the Tuesday and Thursday classes, we were in high spirits! Our training starts back after New Year’s Day on Thursday 4th January. Sue and I […]

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Dave Takes a Lesson

Hi All. Dave has been with the Buntingford Karate Club for many years and, unfortunately, he has recently had to have a triple hernia operation (not nice!). However, although he cannot train at the present time he did express a wish to take the club for a lesson. Knowing of his long experience at karate I was happy to allow […]

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Alastair gets his 1st Kyu

Hi All. The Buntingford Karate Club held another grading on Tuesday night, this time for Alastair. Alastair came to us as a 2nd kyu brown belt from another club. He left his old club because the instructor told him not to ask questions “just do what I tell you”. Alastair’s father, quite rightly, was appalled by this (as was I […]

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