Finn Gets His Red belt – 7th Kyu

Last night (Thursday 27th) Finn went for his Red belt 7th Kyu!
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Last night (Thursday 27th) Finn went for his Red belt 7th Kyu!
Read moreThis is Charlotte. She has not been with us for very long but already she has made quite an impression on all three of this club’s Sensei as well as the membership.
Read moreYes, you did read that correctly. I have written an all-action story that I have called VENGEANCE and I have had it published on Amazon. It’s a good long read at 714 pages and people who have read it so far have described it as “Exciting”, “Well Researched” and “A real page turner”, which I am obviously very pleased about. […]
Read moreHi Folks. You might remember Brogan? Well, Charlie is his younger brother. Charlie is a quiet lad who quietly gets on with what he is doing. He has been working away during his assessment year quietly impressing me with the amount of effort that he has put in his training. This is exactly what is needed by the Buntingford Karate […]
Read moreHi Folks. Yes, the Buntingford Karate Club’s own pocket rocket went for her Purple Belt grading on Thursday and passed. Daizee-Mai, the sister to Kyler (who took a recent highly successful karate lesson), is something of a medal-winning gymnast. We are not surprised in the least, because she appears to be made out of rubber! It is a real treat […]
Read moreHi All. It is our custom in the Buntingford Karate Club for the black belts to be called upon to take a lesson; particularly if you are coming up to, or have just obtained, your black belt. Some members hate doing this, and some of them like it – it’s a Marmite moment. Kyler is a young man and part […]
Read moreHi All. Yes, Peter and Freddie Lee have done it again. This father and son pairing took their grading for green belt at the Buntingford Karate Club last Thursday and showed good control and fine spirit. There is (quite naturally) a good spirit of competition between these two which pushes them both to train hard at their karate – and […]
Read moreHi folks. We had another grading at the Buntingford Karate Club last week. This one was specifically for Finn. Finn had been having a bit of trouble straightening his back leg in Zenkutsudachi (front stance), but it all came good in the grading. Overall, Finn put in an excellent performance and one that he can be proud of. Well done […]
Read moreHi Folks. Yes, it’s been another successful grading for two students of the Buntingford Karate Club. They took their grading on 24/2/2022 and both young ladies passed with flying colours. Chantelle was going for her Orange belt (8th kyu) and Daizee-Mai was going for her Green belt (6th kyu). My Assistant Instructor, Keith Edwards, sat with me as the examination […]
Read moreHi All. First…HAPPY NEW YEAR! Now, on to the topic of Hamstring injuries. As you can see from the pictures your Hamstrings are a group of 3 muscles that run the length of your upper leg, and sometimes we martial artists can pull, rip or tear these. Depending on how much damage you do will result in how painful or […]
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