New Action Film Launched!!

Those of you who have been following this website will know that over the past year or so we have been making films to “showcase” the Buntingford Karate Club. Our last major enterprise was The Set Up. That film was shot in one hour (my lunch hour!!!) and then edited by our film maker and then sound was added by the Unknown Soldier sound studio.
I went through a huge learning curve with this production and I asked our film maker if they would like to make another Martial Arts movie but with more of a story line and some more action sequences. We originally named it “Call Security” (for obvious reasons when you see the film) but they wanted to give the film a short sharp title and so we decided upon The Steal.
I used Paul Fletcher, my boxing buddy and another good friend called Nuvin Ramiah and together with my two Black Belts CJ Hooper (my cousin) and Louis Dyke we have put this small action film together for you.
It is with my IT Wizard Rick Duncan so that he can link it to this website and You Tube but it is now on YouTube.
Go to YouTube and search Buntingford Karate Club and you will find it or watch it below.
Sensei Bill.