An Excellent lesson from Kyler

Hi All.
It is our custom in the Buntingford Karate Club for the black belts to be called upon to take a lesson; particularly if you are coming up to, or have just obtained, your black belt. Some members hate doing this, and some of them like it – it’s a Marmite moment.
Kyler is a young man and part of a family that attend the Buntingford Karate Club. And I have to say that he turned in a terrific lesson last Thursday evening. Quite frankly, if you are a club member and missed it then you missed a great lesson! Kyler covered basics, kata, one-step and free-style and I only had to give him a couple of pointers to help him. He thoroughly enjoyed himself.
Well done Kyler
Watch out for some filming that his father, Rick, has taken. Soon to be uploaded.
Sensei Bill.