Karate Club: News about the Gym (Dojo) re-opening

Dear Student and Member. I have been in contact with Edwinstree School to find out how the Buntingford Karate Club is to go about training when the school gym opens and allows us inside for training. The school have asked us for a risk assessment and here is what I have told them:
All members attending must arrive already wearing their Gi as use of the changing rooms will not be allowed.
Members must bring their own hand gels and sanitisers. Members must train in their trainers. Members must use their toilet at home before attending the club – if a member has to use the toilet during the lesson then all hard surfaces must be wiped down with gels or sanitisers once the member has finished. Both the inner and outer doors to the gym will be kept open so that members do not have to touch the doors.
There will be a club member on the inner door to tell the member where they are to go and stand so that we maintain social distancing. The compulsory use of masks has yet to be decided by the Government but members may wear them if they wish. You must supply your own mask. Bring your own bottled water and do not share it – the use of outside taps will be forbidden. Members will stay within the gym for the whole of the lesson.
If only a few members attend then we can line up along the length of the gym and observe social distancing, if more members attend then we will line up across the gym and observe social distancing and we will train down the length of the gym rather than across it.
Payment of fees will be by cash but using wipeable notes OR coins ONLY. This is because we can sanitise plastic notes and coins but we cannot sanitise paper notes.
On leaving, members will keep their distance from each other and the club owners will be responsible for cleaning down any hard surfaces that may have been touched.
If we get permission to use the gym I will let you know straight away – until then we will continue to train outside….weather permitting!!
Sensei Bill.