Hi Folks.
Despite the Government advice that all places where people meet should be closed Sue and I have decided to try and keep the Buntingford Karate Club running for as long as possible. It’s bad enough this virus happening without taking all the fun out of life!
However, this will depend on member’s attendance, as we need a minimum of 7 people to attend/pay to cover the nightly cost of the dojo/gym. There is some money in the karate club account but not enough to keep the club running indefinitely should the numbers fall below 7.
If you cannot attend would you therefore phone me and Sue to let us know and we can then make a decision regarding closure. Fortunately Edwinstree School have been very good to us and will not charge us for a non-attendance.
Please be advised that if you develop symptoms like a cough or a temperature then stay away but let us know.
Many thanks
Sensei Bill